Because you haven't seen enough Bali sunset photos on this blog.
Links for your Thursday/Wednesday (depending on what part of the world you're reading from):
A good read: This interesting + witty article by Helen Kim whose author blurb reads "Helen S. Kim made her Korean immigrants' parents dream come true by graduating from from Harvard Law. She then horrified them by leaving her law firm job to write."
Untranslatable Words. My favorites: "eudaimonia" and "fika".
I'm not super into fashion but I do love me some street style photography... so this collection is a bit of a jackpot.
With EditMate now on in full-force, the books + podcasts I've been consuming lately have all been in the "for work-related educational purposes" category. This Start-Up podcast is full of gems of wisdom if you're building a business, plus it's just wildly fascinating to hear how the start up world operates (Season 2 is proving to be particularly juicy).
Videos of folks slowly taking off their clothes sounds like click bait but this series by StyleLikeU is wonderful, specifically this interview with an incredibly articulate Australian actress.
Watching American current events from a distance (the other hemisphere and the other side of the world) has been interesting this year... this is baffling + concerning while this is horrifying. However, this gorgeous example of freedom of speech (while being a super hot jam) makes me proud to be an American.
Speaking of which... while I do feel the Bern, I feel like everyone needs to remember this as well.
I want to read this and this and this as soon as my "for work-related educational purposes" consumption phase takes a break.
Lastly, a song -- from me to you.