As a big fan of bright colors, curry and yoga — I’ve always wanted to go to India.
However, it’s a place that’s as intimidating as it is intriguing. With 1.3 billion people and a diverse landscape that covers everything from deserts to snow capped mountains, it’s hard to know where to even start when planning a trip.
So, I was thrilled when I got invited to my friends Steve and TJ’s wedding in Mumbai. Not only would I get to attend see my friends get married in epic Bollywood style wedding, but it was also the perfect excuse to escape a Boston winter and spend 3 weeks backpacking in India.
Students walking to school along the Band Stand.
Bandra-Worli Sea Link — or as I called it: the Indian Zakim Bridge.
Even after booking a roundtrip flight to Mumbai, I still didn’t know where to start in actually PLANNING a trip around India. It’s just so huge. I tried watching YouTube videos and reading blog posts — but I would just get overwhelmed and end up watching movie trailers instead.
I wanted to travel the way I always do: by just winging it.
In 2018, with smartphones and wifi it’s never been easier to plan as you go and just go with the flow.
But was that really possible (or wise) in INDIA?
Some early morning extracurriculars.
Indian Barnes and Noble.
Way cuter than the MBTA.
I think my favorite feature of Mumbai were all of the colorful little details in the buildings, even when they were falling apart — they were still beautiful in a way. Reminded me a bit of Naples.
Fresh street veggies.
9 months later (the trip was in February and March — I’m a bit behind on the blog) I’m happy to report that it is indeed possible. (And I’d actually recommend it, for reasons I’ll get into later posts.)
We landed in Mumbai with no set plans after the wedding but with the guidance from friendly locals, helpful backpackers and GoogleMaps we found our way around (a small portion of) colorful and chaotic India.
And it was even better than I imagined.
More soon.